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Third Gold for ‘Green Impact’

Hughes Hall “integrating sustainable thinking in their everyday work.”

We are very proud to have been awarded Gold by the NUS Green Impact Programme for three years running: 2020, 2021 and 2022. This year’s award joins our collection on the mantelpiece in the Margaret Wileman lobby.

Third Gold Award for Hughes: new initiatives for 2022 include a wildflower meadow

Our efforts range from large-scale changes such as the installation of solar panels and a robust carbon reduction policy (aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030) to a range of new smaller scale initiatives including library displays, a new wildflower meadow area, and a bicycle repair day. Our continuing initiatives include nesting boxes, wildlife tunnels through our fencing, and comprehensive recycling and composting provision.

Green Impact auditors commented: “The team have made great improvements and additions this year and are clearly integrating sustainable thinking in their everyday work.”

We have installed solar panels on the roofs of Gresham Court and Fenner’s which run on a feed-in tariff, so that the power goes into the national grid if unused

The University of Cambridge Green Impact Scheme supports and encourages departments and colleges across the University in reducing their environmental impacts.

Jonathan Newby, Hughes Hall Bursar, said: “To win this award for the third year running is a great achievement and a real testament to the collaborative efforts of our whole community in maintaining a sustainable environment here at Hughes. We have a beautiful place of work, and study, so it’s rewarding that so many amongst us are dedicated to keeping it that way.”

We ran a bicycle repair day with our MCR this year during Hughes Hall’s Green Week

Hughes Hall has been recognised for excellence in its approach to the environment and sustainability by the University’s environmental accreditation scheme for three years running. For more information on sustainability at Hughes Hall, see here.

For more information on MCR environmental initiatives, please contact the Green and Ethical Affairs Officer on mcr.green@hughes.cam.ac.uk.

Sign up to be a Green Impact student auditor in person and/or online today: https://forms.office.com/r/wKY0wv907P – more information: https://environment.admin.cam.ac.uk/green-impact.
