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Photography Competition – the results are in!

The results are now in for the Hughes Hall Photography Competition 2020 and we are very pleased to be able to announce the winners below.

The competition was judged by Hughes Hall Fellow and photography enthusiast, Professor Mary Buckley, who was incredibly impressed with all of the photos submitted.

Our thanks goes out to everyone who took part.

Academia and Study

A photograph that reflects your work and study, or the sense of academia and intellectualism around you.


This photograph was also chosen as the Best in Competition.

Honourable Mentions

A selection of other submissions

Community at Hughes

A photograph that you feel captures the essence of people at Hughes Hall and the community around you.  


Pumpkins Kilian Bartsch 2018 Engineering

Honourable Mentions

A selection of other submissions

Hughes Views

Quite simply, your favourite shot of College – an image that sums up your time here so far and will be etched in your memory for years to come.  


Anie Vasileva 2019 Medicine

Honourable Mentions

A selection of other submissions