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Make a gift

There are so many ways to make a difference

More alumni and friends are supporting the College today than ever before. Thanks to this collective generosity, Hughes Hall is able to do more to foster pioneering research, vibrant College life, and outstanding teaching. Find out where you can direct your gift and how your support makes a difference.

Alumni Impact Fund

Support across the College – to respond quickly to areas of greatest need and invest in the future.

Student Support

Ensure that no student is unable to complete their studies due to financial difficulty.

Boat Club

Introduce new generations to rowing, foster extraordinary talent, and keep the Boat Club on the river.


Support Hughes Hall Music

How to make a gift

Make a gift quickly and easily through our secure online giving page or find out more about other ways of giving in the UK as well as overseas giving. Depending on your country of residence or your personal tax status you may be able to ensure that your gift goes further.

Giving Online

Make a single or regular gift easily and securely through our website.

Giving from the UK

Find out more about ways of giving and maximising your gift from the UK.

Giving from outside the UK

Find out more about ways of giving and maximising your gift from outside the UK.

Leaving a gift in your Will

Extend your gift to future generations through a legacy gift.

Our thank you

Regular gifts, of any size, are the bedrock of our fundraising. Every year we recognise all those who have made a gift in the College’s past financial year (1st August – 31st July) through our donor roll published in the Lent Term edition of Hughes magazine as well as through our annual donors’ events.

If you are looking to make a transformational gift and wish to explore options for a named scholarship, fellowship, or room in College please contact us in the Alumni Relations & Development Office to discuss how your philanthropy could make a difference to Hughes Hall. Hughes Hall is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and are committed to legal, open, honest and respectful fundraising; you can read more in our full Fundraising Promise.