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Applications open for 2021/22 Impact Leadership Programme for Hughes Hall researchers

Hughes Hall’s Impact Leadership Programme (ILP) helps to prepare our research community for life – and impact – beyond the college gates: in other research environments, business, policy-making, and practice.

We support postdocs and 2nd and 3rd year PhD students to improve understanding of the pathway from research into practice, building transferrable skills, providing exposure to a range of professional pathways and linking researchers with those whose skillsets and knowledge can drive their future success. Now in its third year, the Programme includes self-directed learning, group discussions and workshops, followed by one-on-one coaching and work placements. Previous participants have found the programme a highly relevant and rewarding experience.

Patricia Santana, PhD candidate in Earth Sciences reflects: “With a mixed background in academia and industry, I think the Programme was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done since I started my PhD. During the course, I was able to learn and discuss new ideas and tools with a very diverse group of colleagues. It has a good balance of theory and practice, with self-study texts and an interactive session for discussing the transferable skills brought by the modules. I also benefited from the work experience opportunity that the ILP provides, becoming a volunteer at the Centre for Climate Engagement.”

The ILP was developed by Hughes Hall Fellow, Dr Jimmy Chan, who has a 25-year background in international asset management: “As a researcher who has you are on a path to making a difference to the world. As a college, Hughes Hall wants to support you by investing in you and equipping you for this journey – the Programme provides a powerful complement to research skills and career aspirations so our members can go on to make that difference.”

Ismail Sami, chemical engineering and biotechnology PhD, encouraged fellow students to immerse themselves in the Programme and use the self-reflection for personal development: “The programme has helped me think deeply about what I want out of a future career and armed me with best practises behind leadership.  If you are unsure about your future career, how to maximise your research impact, or wish to understand yourself better and develop your professional skills, I highly recommend it.”

“In the spirit of Hughes, you are placed in a very supporting and diverse environment of fellow students with varied backgrounds and research subjects which help to facilitate interesting discussions as you navigate your journey.”

Further information

To apply, please email the following to Dr Jimmy Chan (jc2116@hughes.cam.ac.uk) by Monday 27 September.

  1. Your current CV
  2. A cover letter with short answers to the questions:
    1. What do you expect from the Impact Leadership Programme?
    2. How will the Impact Leadership Programme help your current work, your career aspirations, and you as a professional?
    3. What do you bring to the Impact Leadership Programme?
