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Postdoc Career Building Programme

Tuesday 16 January, 12 noon GMT (online)

A call to all Hughes Hall senior researchers.

Learn how you can accelerate your professional development with the postdoc Career Building Programme at this information session hosted by Stephanie Groenke.

You will be introduced to the programme, its content, timeline and the commitment expected. Details on how to apply will be presented and there will be opportunity to raise questions and learn from previous participants.

Personal Development Coach and programme lead, Stephanie Groenke, is hosting this online briefing session at 12:00 noon GMT on Tuesday 16 January 2024.

To join, and receive the zoom link, sign up via Eventbrite, click here

The programme grew out of the Impact Leadership Programme and is being offered exclusively to Hughes Hall’s researchers, further to the success of last year’s running. The programme is reflection based to encourage you to gain clarity on your direction of travel and equip you with soft skills to achieve your career goals. Between five to seven researchers can be accepted.

If you cannot attend, but would like further information, please contact Stephanie at the email above. There is also further information about the programme presented in this article. Click here

Questions/queries? Contact Stephanie: info@stephaniegroenke.com