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Dr Teije Donker is a political sociologist who works at the intersection of social movement studies and Middle East area studies. His current research focuses on the emergence and transformation of Islamist movements during the Tunisian transition and Syrian conflict (2011-2021). He is interested in how Islamism emerges as a distinct social practice in these contexts. Instead of focusing on Islamism as a set of ideas – which is the case in much of popular and academic literature on the topic – he approaches it as something people do and create in relation to contentious episodes.

Dr Teije Donker completed his Phd at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy), held a three-year post-doc at the department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen (Norway) and a three-year lecturer position at the department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge (UK). Next to his position as associate at Hughes Hall, he is also affiliated to St Catherine’s College.