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Quondam Fellow

My central interest is in environmental economics in the ancient world. I am particularly interested in the modelling of ancient fuel consumption, ancient technology, past climate; and how these may be applied to the modern world. At Hughes I was a Research Fellow (2013-2016); and a Tutor/Assistant Tutor (2013-2017). I held an Anniversary Fellowship at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at Cambridge (Dec 2012 – Feb 2016). Previously I was the Ralegh Radford fellow at the British School at Rome (Oct 2011- Jun 2012). I am originally from the University of Sydney, where I completed a BSc (IT and geosciences), a BA (hons) (archaeology), and a PhD (archaeology), on the fuel economy of Pompeii (2009). I also studied ancient history and Italian for a BA at Macquarie University, and business (MBA) at the University of Technology, Sydney.