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Governing Body Fellow

Pete Dudley lectures in leadership and learning at the Faculty of Education. He joined Hughes Hall as a senior member in 2015. He taught in both secondary and primary schools in East London and on the Greek/Turkish border. He spent the 1990s with the Essex Advisory Service returning to London in 2001 to head school improvement in Redbridge taking the borough from Ofsted failure to Beacon Council status. He then helped develop learning networks of schools with the National College for School Leadership before leading Labour’s Primary National Strategy for six years. He went on lead education and children’s services in Central Bedfordshire and from 2013-19 as Director of Education in Camden, he led the creation of schools-led improvement not-for-profit Camden Learning.

Pete has run www.lessonstudy.co.uk since 2010 and been president of the World Association of Lesson Studies since 2016. His interest in the interplay between spoken language, thought and learning not only led to his promotion of Oracy but is also why he introduced Research Lesson Study to the UK in 2001, a model of pedagogic and curricular development based on Japanese and Chinese lesson study that was the subject of his PhD (runner-up in the 2013 BERA Doctoral award).

His belief in the importance of collaborative enquiry and dialogue in education system improvement is a key reason for his membership of Oracy Cambridge and for his current work creating and leading Camtree – the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange with Dr Sara Hennessey, a part of our Digital Education Futures Initiative.