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Life Fellow

Pat Story came to Hughes Hall in 1953 to read for the PGCE. Having taught Classics in schools for nine years she was appointed as assistant lecturer in the Oxford Department of Education.  In 1967 she moved to Cambridge as evaluation officer of the Cambridge School Classics Project, a Nuffield and Schools Council curriculum development project, sponsored by the University.  In 1971 she was appointed departmental lecturer (1971),then university lecturer (1972) in Education and was able to combine the PGCE training of Classics graduates with development work for the Classics Project, becoming deputy director (1976) and director (1987- 96)  As a member of the Project team, she  contributed to the text of various editions of the Cambridge Latin Course series,  was revision editor for the 4th edition and in  retirement has continued to work as advisor and contributor  to the 5th British and North American editions She inaugurated and co-authored  a series of additional materials: graded tests, independent study guides and worksheet masters. She has presented papers to conferences in the UK and North America and written numerous articles on the rationale of the Classics Project and, in particular, the development of the Cambridge Latin Course.


Hughes Hall Appointments


1971-74 Fellow and Tutor

1974-82 Senior Tutor

1982-90 Vice-President

1995-99 Tutor for Admissions

1998-     Life Fellow

See also Ged Martin, Hughes Hall Cambridge 1885-2010  (Third Millennium Publishing,

London, 2011) pp.135 and 160.


Other College Appointments


1974-84 Director of  Studies in Education, Girton College

1988-96 Director of Studies in Education, Lucy Cavendish College

1988-96 Director lf Studies in Education, St Catharine’s College


Examining Appointments


1974-84 Moderator of the Cambridge School Classics Project O level Examination

1975-78 External Examiner, PGCE, King’s College, London

1975-95 Member of the Oxford and Cambridge School Examinations Board

1984-96 Member of the Midlands Examining Group Panel for CSCP examinations

1984-86 and 92-96 External Examiner, PGCE, King’s College, London


Other Appointments


1987-89 Member of Council of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers

19 87-93 Member of Classical Subjects Committee, Schools Examinations and Assessment Council

1987-96 Member of North American Cambridge School Classics Project