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Research By-Fellow

Islam is a post-doctoral fellow at Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Institute with a research focus on cancer cell metabolism. He started his research career in 2016 with a Marie Curie dual PhD fellowship at Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Birmingham where he studied metabolism of acute leukaemia and identified a potential therapeutic target in this disease.

Islam recently received a grant by the German Research Foundation (2022) to start his work in Cambridge on exploring metabolic vulnerabilities of brain tumours which can be then targeted for therapeutic purposes. He is also working on developing new magnetic resonance methodologies for imaging brain cancer metabolism to improve diagnostic modalities and hence, patients’ prognosis.

For more on Islam’s work see his Postdoc Spotlight: www.hughes.cam.ac.uk/about/news/postdoc-spotlight-dr-islam-alshamleh.

To follow his research, see his Google Scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WzEAC0QAAAAJ&hl=en.