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Quondam Fellow

Arne studied biology at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. During his time as an undergraduate he developed a strong interest in evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology, and thus, after graduating, pursued a Master’s degree in that direction, also at Bielefeld University. This allowed him to travel to Costa Rica to study the feeding behaviour of nectarivorous bats. This project, led by York Winter, deepened his dedication towards field experiments. He expanded his experiences by working in other research projects before starting his PhD under the supervision of Micheal Taborsky at the University of Bern, Switzerland, to work on social behaviour in Lake Tanganyika cichlids. This project included several trips to the lake itself in order to study the fish in their natural habitat. During his time in Switzerland, Arne’s interest in mathematical modelling of biological phenomena grew, culminating in his application for a SNF grant aiming at exploring the co-evolution of mating systems and parental care strategies using game-theoretical approaches. In order to learn the necessary techniques, Arne joined Rufus Johnstone at the University of Cambridge. At Hughes Hall, Arne is combining his field work and modelling experience with genetic tools available in the cichlid system in order to understand the evolution of ageing, senescence, and differences in the pace-of-life of various cichlid species