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“There is no place for racism at Hughes Hall and across the University”

Dr. Othman Cole, Hughes Hall Governing Body Fellow, Tutor and BAME Champion has released the below statement in response to the recent tragic events taking place in the United States.

“To all Hughes Hall students, members of staff, alumni and broadly all friends of Hughes Hall – my name is Dr Othman Cole and I am a Governing Body Fellow of the College. I would like to share with you a few words about the tragic death in the US of George Floyd and the unfolding unfortunate incidents that we are currently witnessing.

I know that we all, particularly so our black students, find this very disturbing and emotionally distressing.

I have discussed this with the President, Dr Anthony Freeling, and I would like to, on behalf of him and the College leadership condemn this as strongly as possible and make an emphatic statement that ‘There is no place for racism at Hughes Hall and across the University’.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share with us your thoughts on how we can have a dialogue and find ways to ensure that all BAME members of the College (and the University) feel welcomed and play an inclusive part in Cambridge academic life.

Do take care all of you and continue to keep in good spirits.”

The University’s statement on the killing of George Floyd can be read here.