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Once a Hughesian…

Celebrating networks of support, mutual inspiration, and lifelong friendship.

On Saturday 24 June we hosted our annual Alumni Garden Party on the stunning lower lawns of the college. Under the heat of the blazing 30-degree sun, over 150 guests, including former Hughes Hall students and their friends and families, gathered for an afternoon of memories, entertainment, and refreshments.

Three images of people smiling and laughing outdoors on the Hughes Hall lower lawns.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere, attendees were treated to live jazz music performances by talented University of Cambridge students. The garden party also offered an opportunity for alumni and guests to explore the college and its grounds, guided by our current students. They shared anecdotes and interesting facts about the college’s rich history, gave alumni a chance to reminisce about their student days, and brought to life the student experience as it is today. 

Three images from the garden party. On the left, prosecco in an ice bucket. The middle image is of a student playing the trumpet. The right hand image shows alumni looking at matriculation images inside Hughes.

Hughes Hall President, Sir Laurie Bristow, was thrilled with the success of the Alumni Garden Party, describing it as ‘a fantastic day, filled with great conversations and the pleasure of meeting so many alumni and their families. ‘It was wonderful to see the Hughes Hall community come together and create lasting memories’ reflected Sir Laurie. ‘Having lost a few rounds of Jenga it seems the competitive spirit was alive and well at the garden party.’  

Three images of alumni playing garden games outside Hughes Hall.

We also held our first garden party raffle, successfully raising over £300 for the Student Support Fund. This fund plays a vital role in ensuring that all students at Hughes Hall, regardless of their personal or financial circumstances, receive the necessary support to thrive academically and personally.  

Prizes for the raffle included a charming Hughes Hall teddy bear, a bottle of college port, and a luxurious cashmere college scarf. The generosity and contributions from the attendees were instrumental in making the raffle a resounding success, further bolstering efforts to assist students in need. 

The Hughes Hall Alumni Garden Party continues to serve as a testament to the diverse and extraordinary nature of our alumni community. Our alumni, regardless of matriculation year, can come together to celebrate their shared experiences, make connections, and support the next generation of Hughes Hall students. 
