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Development Director Visits Japan

Richard Berg Rust paid visits to Hughes alumni, Fellows and friends in Japan last week, including meetings at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University where he was joined by Hughes Hall Honorary Fellow Masa Ohtake. As a college we have strong historic links with the University, whose second President, Tetsu Yasui, studied at Hughes Hall. A highly enjoyable and lively alumni dinner was held in Tokyo on Friday and the following day Richard joined Hughes alumna Doreen Simmons at a Sumo event. Doreen, a Tokyo resident for 40 years, is an authority on the sport and a well-known TV Sumo commentator.


Alumni Dinner Tokyo 2014     TWCU Building 1

Hughes Hall Alumni Dinner in Tokyo                                                         Tokyo Woman’s Christian University


TWCU 2    RBR & Masa Ohtake - TWCU     DSC_0363

TWCU & Development Director, Richard Berg Rust with Prof. Masa Ohtake                       Doreen Simmons with a Sumo Wrestler