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Supreme Court Judge praises 'exemplary' article by Timothy Liang (BA Law 2015)

Law alumnus Timothy Liang (BA Law, 2015) has won praise from a Supreme Court Judge in Ireland for his article  “Where Equity Breaks Down: Tracing Stolen Money in Mixed Funds”,  published in the University College Dublin Law Review.

Timothy’s piece focuses on the issues of common law and equitable tracing of stolen money in mixed bank accounts, and highlights a simple problem which exposes fundamental flaws in modern trusts law. The article critically examines how the courts have responded to resolve this issue, and proposes a fusion of common law and equitable tracing rules as the best way forward to develop the law.

In the foreword, The Hon. Ms. Justice Iseult O’Malley from the Supreme Court of Ireland commended this piece for its “exemplary clarity” in explaining the “head-scratching problems for lawyers” on what appears to be a simple problem on equitable tracing.

The UCD Law Review is one of Ireland’s leading law journals and features contributions from distinguished judges and academics around the world. It is available online via the HeinOnline Law Journal Library, and copies can also be obtained from the Cambridge University Squire Law Library.

Timothy Liang Pic