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The Tip of the Iceberg: Challenges Facing Women in Professional Work Environments (hybrid event)

Tuesday 8th March, 4pm to 6 pm, Pfeiffer Room and online, Hughes Hall

Women around the globe still face challenges in their access to certain professions. The problem is especially pressing in fields that used to be male dominated, like the legal field. The magnitude of barriers that women face varies from developed to developing countries, but it exists either way, as is made clear by the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report. There have been many attempts to mitigate the issue and overcome hurdles to access. But hurdles for women continue arise at the stage of implementation and each country has its own dilemmas. To make a real difference, it is important for us to share our experiences, learn from each-other and show solidarity.

Together, we can make work environments in the legal profession more women friendly and achieve sustainable development goals which include the empowerment of women and eliminating all forms of discrimination. We invite you to come to Hughes Hall (or join us online) on International Women’s Day for a discussion event. Share your experience and contribute for a better future for all of us!


Confirmed Discussants:

  • J. Jarpa Dawuni is Associate Professor of Political Science at Howard University, Washington D.C and the founder of the Institute for African Women in Law.
  • Mahnaz Malik is a Barrister and Arbitrator at Twenty Essex Chambers in the UK.
  • Omnia Gadalla, assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Shari’a- Al-Azhar University and founder of Her Honor Setting The Bar Initiative in Egypt.
  • Fyon Reilly is a barrister and assistant dean clinical legal education at City Law school in England and at the self-employed bar.
  • Amita Riksen is a counsel in international investments, portfolio strategy and innovation in the energy and natural resources sector in different jurisdictions.
  • Vinamrata Shrivastava is pursuing her master’s in law from the University and former Principal Associate at a leading law firm of India, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas.
  • Jameson Fisher is an American attorney and LL.M. candidate at the University of Cambridge. She lectured in corporate law in the US.
  • Elizabeth Paradis is a Cambridge LL.M. candidate and a member of the Québec Bar (Canada).

This event is open to all, but will be of particular interest to college members with an interest in law. No sign up needed.

You can also attend online click here