+44 (0)1223 330484

Gong Bath Session

Monday 13 May, 6 pm to 7.15 pm, Pavilion Rm

Come and lie back and experience the unfathomable sounds of the gong and be transported on your own unique healing journey. Following on from Mental Health Awareness week (9-15 May), Hughes Hall music invites college members to a Gong Bath session – a type of inactive meditation, where you ‘bathe’ in the healing vibrations of sound. Led by practitioner Emma Marshall, this immersive session is open to to all Hughes Hall college members.

The group session will last approximately 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Whilst previous experience of a gong bath is not necessary, it is important that you read the guidelines and information sheet which will be emailed to you when you sign up.

Places limited and open to HUGHES HALL COLLEGE MEMBERS only. Click here for further information and to book.

List of regularly reported benefits include:

* Reduced stress, depression and anxiety

* Better sleep

* Relief from physical pain

* Improved mood

* Emotional release

* Improved focus and clarity

* Creative insights

* Deep feeling of peace

* Spiritual experiences

Any questions?

Please feel free to ask Emma at emma@soundoursouls.co.uk

We look forward to welcoming you!