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Twenty Trinity College Postdocs visit College to broaden Hughes Postdocs network

Twenty postdoctoral researchers from Trinity College dined at Hughes last week with over twenty Hughes postdoctoral research associates and fellows. The evening was organised by both the Colleges’ research convenors to encourage cross-college networking and collaborations.

Hughes has a thriving community of postdocs, appointed as Research Fellows or Research Associates, who are embedded in the life of the college. Our postdocs don’t just do research. They do research with a difference and postdocs at Hughes Hall stand out from their peers in Cambridge and the wider academic world. Last night’s dinner and networking session, allowed Hughes postdocs another opportunity to showcase their research with the wider Cambridge community.

Hughes Hall research convenor Kyren Lazarus commented ‘Hughes Hall Postdocs have strived to engage with Postdoc societies at other colleges, which has in turn broadened our network and exposure within the University’.

Postdocs from various disciplines ranging from Volcanology, Computer security, RNA biology and Linguistics interacted during the evening. Trinity Postdoc Trisna Tungadi said ‘the Trinity Postdoc Society thanks Hughes Hall for organising the event and we hope to host Hughes Postdocs at Trinity in the coming months. This will enable a richer interaction between the two colleges which may lead to fruitful collaborations’.

This year, Hughes has announced plans to double the number of postdocs over the coming years and a generous benefaction from Dr Edwin Leong has allowed the postdoc community to plan an exciting postdoctoral program, which will run well into the future.


Trinity - Hughes post doc dinner