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Announcing Hughes Hall’s new Carbon Reduction Policy

One of the initiatives of the College Agenda 2019-20, approved by Governing Body at its meeting of 10 July 2019, was to develop and implement an environmental policy for the College.

Having liaised with the University, CUSU, our MCR and our College Council we have now produced an ambitious plan to reduce Hughes Hall’s carbon emissions. This policy is far reaching, covering all operational aspects of the College’s activities including accommodation, conferences, travel, and investments, and will continue to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure our targets are in line with the latest Science Based measures.

We are grateful to all of those who gave (and continue to give) input, and we would like to give particular recognition to Lydia Collas ( MCR Green and Ethical Affairs Officer ), Aga Iwasiewicz-Wabnig (Chair of House Committee) and Victoria Espley (Bursar) who were instrumental in putting this together.

Download and read our full Carbon Reduction Policy document here.